#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Report Proxmox cluster statistics to Zabbix. Copyright (C) 2020 Takala Consulting This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Minimum requirements Proxmox 5, Python 3.4, Zabbix 3.0. """ __version__ = '0.1.0' # Import modules import argparse import json import re import socket import sys import subprocess import time from proxmoxer import ProxmoxAPI # Set up argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Report Proxmox cluster statistics to zabbix') # Add optional arguments to the parser parser.add_argument('-a', '--apihost', default='localhost', help='Proxmox API hostname') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default='/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf', help='full path to zabbix_agentd configuration file') parser.add_argument('-d', '--discovery', help='send low level discovery data instead of items', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-e', '--extended', help='get extended configuration to return vHDD allocation', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-i', '--ignore-errors', help='ignore zabbix_sender errors', action="store_false") parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='output zabbix_sender summary', action="store_false") parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', default='', help='Proxmox API password') parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', default=socket.gethostname(), help='zabbix target hostname') parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', default='zabbix@pve', help='Proxmox API username') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='output verbose discovery and item data', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-z', '--zsend', default='/usr/bin/zabbix_sender', help='full path to zabbix sender binary') # Parse the arguments args = parser.parse_args() # connect to Proxmox API try: proxmox = ProxmoxAPI(args.apihost, user=args.username, password=args.password, verify_ssl=False) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except print("Proxmox API call failed:", str(error)) sys.exit(1) # base dictionary for cluster data cluster_data = { 'status': { 'quorate': 0, 'cpu_total': 0, 'cpu_usage': 0, 'ram_total': 0, 'ram_used': 0, 'ram_free': 0, 'ram_usage': 0, 'ksm_sharing': 0, 'vcpu_allocated': 0, 'vram_allocated': 0, 'vhdd_allocated': 0, 'vram_used': 0, 'vram_usage': 0, 'vms_running': 0, 'vms_stopped': 0, 'vms_total': 0, 'lxc_running': 0, 'lxc_stopped': 0, 'lxc_total': 0, 'vm_templates': 0, 'nodes_total': 0, 'nodes_online': 0, }, 'nodes': {} } # get cluster and nodes overview for node in proxmox.cluster.status.get(): if node['type'] == "cluster": cluster_data['status']['quorate'] = node['quorate'] cluster_data['status']['nodes_total'] = node['nodes'] if node['type'] == "node": cluster_data['nodes'][node['name']] = { 'online': node['online'], 'vms_total': 0, 'vms_running': 0, 'lxc_total': 0, 'lxc_running': 0, 'vcpu_allocated': 0, 'vram_allocated': 0, 'vhdd_allocated': 0, 'vram_used': 0, 'ksm_sharing': 0, } # if requested send low level discovery data now and exit if args.discovery: discovery_data = (json.dumps( {'data': [{ "{#NODE}": n } for n in cluster_data['nodes']]})) if args.verbose: print(discovery_data) try: result = subprocess.run([ args.zsend, "-c" + args.config, "-s" + args.target, "-k" + "proxmox.nodes.discovery", "-o" + str(discovery_data) ], capture_output=args.output, check=args.ignore_errors) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except print("Error while sending discovery data:", str(error)) sys.exit(1) if args.verbose: print(result) sys.exit(0) # get cluster and node details for node in proxmox.nodes.get(): if node['type'] == "node": cluster_data['nodes'][node['node']]['cpu_total'] = node.get( 'maxcpu', 0) cluster_data['nodes'][node['node']]['cpu_usage'] = node.get( 'cpu', 0) * 100 cluster_data['nodes'][node['node']]['ram_total'] = node.get( 'maxmem', 0) cluster_data['nodes'][node['node']]['ram_used'] = node.get( 'mem', 0) cluster_data['nodes'][node['node']]['ram_free'] = node.get( 'maxmem', 0) - node.get('mem', 0) cluster_data['nodes'][node['node']]['ram_usage'] = 100 * ( float(node.get('mem', 0)) / float(node.get('maxmem', 1))) # update cluster total metrics cluster_data['status']['cpu_total'] += node.get('maxcpu', 0) cluster_data['status']['ram_total'] += node.get('maxmem', 0) cluster_data['status']['ram_used'] += node.get('mem', 0) cluster_data['status']['ram_free'] += node.get( 'maxmem', 0) - node.get('mem', 0) # update cluster total ram usage percentage if float(cluster_data['status']['ram_total']) > 0: cluster_data['status']['ram_usage'] = 100 * ( float(cluster_data['status']['ram_used']) / float(cluster_data['status']['ram_total'])) # get ksm sharing and cpu usage info from online nodes cpu_usage_combined = 0 for n in cluster_data['nodes']: if cluster_data['nodes'][n]['online'] == 1: cluster_data['status']['nodes_online'] += 1 cpu_usage_combined += cluster_data['nodes'][n]['cpu_usage'] node_status = proxmox.nodes(n).status.get() cluster_data['status']['ksm_sharing'] += node_status['ksm'].get( 'shared', 0) cluster_data['nodes'][n]['ksm_sharing'] += node_status['ksm'].get( 'shared', 0) # calculate cluster total cpu usage percentage if float(cluster_data['status']['nodes_online']) > 0: cluster_data['status']['cpu_usage'] = ( float(cpu_usage_combined) / float(cluster_data['status']['nodes_online'])) # regular expression to match disk strings in vm config disk_pattern = re.compile(r"vm-\d+-disk-\d+") # regular expression to match size block in config string size_pattern = re.compile(r"^size=\d+[T|G|M|K]") # regular expression to match G in config block gig_pattern = re.compile(r"^\d+G$") def update_vhdd(config, target): """Get the HDD size from a configuration file string and update cluster stats. Data is stored in bytes to allow better representation in the zabbix UI. The G quantifier is using a compiled re, and placed first, as it typically matches the vast majority of cases. """ for item in config.split(','): if size_pattern.search(item): size = item.split('=')[1] if gig_pattern.search(size): cluster_data['status']['vhdd_allocated'] += 1073741824 * int( size.replace('G', '')) cluster_data['nodes'][target]['vhdd_allocated'] += 1073741824 * int( size.replace('G', '')) elif re.search(r"^\d+K$", size): cluster_data['status']['vhdd_allocated'] += 1024 * int( size.replace('K', '')) cluster_data['nodes'][target]['vhdd_allocated'] += 1024 * int( size.replace('K', '')) elif re.search(r"^\d+M$", size): cluster_data['status']['vhdd_allocated'] += 1048576 * int( size.replace('M', '')) cluster_data['nodes'][target]['vhdd_allocated'] += 1048576 * int( size.replace('M', '')) elif re.search(r"^\d+T$", size): cluster_data['status']['vhdd_allocated'] += 1099511627776 * int( size.replace('T', '')) cluster_data['nodes'][target]['vhdd_allocated'] += 1099511627776 * int( size.replace('T', '')) # get vm details for vm in proxmox.cluster.resources.get(type='vm'): # if status is unknown we can't get details if vm.get('status', 'unknown') == 'unknown': continue # if this is a template we only count it if vm.get('template', 0) == 1: cluster_data['status']['vm_templates'] += 1 continue # update cluster total metrics cluster_data['status']['vcpu_allocated'] += vm.get('maxcpu', 0) cluster_data['status']['vram_allocated'] += vm.get('maxmem', 0) cluster_data['status']['vram_used'] += vm.get('mem', 0) # update individual node metrics cluster_data['nodes'][vm['node']]['vcpu_allocated'] += vm.get('maxcpu', 0) cluster_data['nodes'][vm['node']]['vram_allocated'] += vm.get('maxmem', 0) cluster_data['nodes'][vm['node']]['vram_used'] += vm.get('mem', 0) # if this is a qemu vm if vm.get('type', 'unknown') == 'qemu': cluster_data['status']['vms_total'] += 1 cluster_data['nodes'][vm['node']]['vms_total'] += 1 # count number of running VMs if vm.get('status', 'unknown') == 'running': cluster_data['status']['vms_running'] += 1 cluster_data['nodes'][vm['node']]['vms_running'] += 1 if args.extended: # get vm configuration details vm_config = proxmox.nodes(vm['node']).qemu(vm['vmid']).config.get() for c in vm_config: if disk_pattern.search(str(vm_config.get(c))): update_vhdd(vm_config.get(c), vm['node']) # if this is a lxc container if vm.get('type', 'unknown') == 'lxc': cluster_data['status']['lxc_total'] += 1 cluster_data['nodes'][vm['node']]['lxc_total'] += 1 # count number of running containers if vm.get('status', 'unknown') == 'running': cluster_data['status']['lxc_running'] += 1 cluster_data['nodes'][vm['node']]['lxc_running'] += 1 if args.extended: # get container configuration details vm_config = proxmox.nodes(vm['node']).lxc(vm['vmid']).config.get() for c in vm_config: if disk_pattern.search(str(vm_config.get(c))): update_vhdd(vm_config.get(c), vm['node']) # calculate cluster total vram usage percentage if float(cluster_data['status']['vram_allocated']) > 0: cluster_data['status']['vram_usage'] = 100 * ( float(cluster_data['status']['vram_used']) / float(cluster_data['status']['vram_allocated'])) # calculate cluster total VMs stopped cluster_data['status']['vms_stopped'] = (cluster_data['status']['vms_total'] - cluster_data['status']['vms_running']) # calculate cluster total containers stopped cluster_data['status']['lxc_stopped'] = (cluster_data['status']['lxc_total'] - cluster_data['status']['lxc_running']) if args.verbose: print(json.dumps(cluster_data, indent=4)) # Prepare values for zabbix epoch_seconds = int(time.time()) item_data = '' for s in cluster_data['status']: item_data += (args.target + " " + "promox.cluster." + str(s) + " " + str(epoch_seconds) + " " + str(cluster_data['status'][s]) + "\r\n") for n in cluster_data['nodes']: for i in cluster_data['nodes'][n]: item_data += (args.target + " " + "proxmox.node." + str(i) + ".[" + str(n) + "]" + " " + str(epoch_seconds) + " " + str(cluster_data['nodes'][n][i]) + "\r\n") if args.verbose: print(item_data) # send item values try: result = subprocess.run([ args.zsend, "-c" + args.config, "-T" , "-i", "-"], input=bytes(item_data, 'UTF-8'), capture_output=args.output, check=args.ignore_errors) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except print("Error while sending items: ", str(error)) sys.exit(1) if args.verbose: print(result) # Sayonara sys.exit(0)